July 3, 2024

Tae Hayes, a cornerback for the New York Jets, faced legal trouble when he was arrested on June 23rd 2024 for possession of marijuana. Hayes claimed that he was set up, asserting that he had no knowledge of the illicit substance found in his possession during a routine traffic stop in Alabama.

According to Hayes, he had borrowed the car from a friend and was unaware of any marijuana being present. He maintained that the drugs were planted by someone else, possibly in an attempt to incriminate him. Hayes emphasized that he has always strived to uphold his integrity and was shocked by the turn of events leading to his arrest.

Legal proceedings and investigations into the incident are ongoing, with Hayes cooperating fully with authorities to clear his name. The case has drawn attention due to Hayes’ assertions of being set up and has sparked discussions about fairness in law enforcement practices.

As the situation develops, Hayes continues to focus on his career and personal life, aiming to move past this setback and regain his standing both on and off the field.

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