July 3, 2024

WWE Survivor Series brought conventional tag team elimination battles to a wider audience in the industry. The ridiculous match type pits the opposing side against four or five superstars in a single corner. The final player standing, or survivor if you will, wins for his team.

Over the course of the Survivor Series’ 36-year history, traditional tag team matchups have, arguably, delivered. The plot has mostly stayed the same, while the in-ring work has (maybe) become better. Arguably, yes, although purists might find faults with the in-ring psychology and plots of today.

Having said that, let’s examine some of the most classic tag team elimination matches from the WWE Survivor Series:


Team Bischoff vs. Team Austin Survivor Series 2003

Steve Austin selected D-Von Dudley, Booker T, Rob Van Dam, Shawn Michaels, and Bubba Ray Dudley.


Chris Jericho, Christian, Randy Orton, Scott Steiner, and Mark Henry were the choices made by Eric Bischoff.


Victors: Bischoff Team


Shawn Michaels’ effort in this five-on-five Survivor Series elimination bout at WWE Survivor Series 2003 is among the bravest in wrestling history. I avoided bringing up Cody Rhodes’ seminal performance at Hell in a Cell because I find the match itself unsettling.

For better or worse, Michaels was left in a pool of his own blood after taking such a severe thrashing in this fight. Nevertheless, the Heartbreak Kid gave it his all to keep Steve Austin’s WWE career intact. Sadly, Orton seized on a run-in from Batista to turn the tables on Michaels and win the first of many titles he would go on to win in classic Survivor Series elimination tag bouts.

Team Authority versus Team Cena (WWE Survivor Series 2014)
Against Seth Rollins, Kane, Luke Harper, Mark Henry, and Rusev are John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan, Big Show, and Ryback.

This match between Team Cena and Team Authority was excellent from bell to bell, save from Big Show’s thousandth heel turn. WWE unexpectedly changed the course of the bout by eliminating Cena rather than letting him walk all over the heels.

Among the night’s finest exchanges was that between Dolph Ziggler and Seth Rollins. They always brought out the best in each other since they had such a wonderful relationship. Sting made his WWE debut in the main event as well. Just in time to help Ziggler flip the tide in his favor, the Icon made an appearance.

Team Authority was stripped of their authority after their defeat, but not before reentering the ring with one of the most bizarre angles in WWE history.


Team SmackDown vs. Team Raw at the 2005 WWE Survivor Series

Carlito, Chris Masters, Kane, Shawn Michaels, and The Big Show are the members of Raw.


Members of SmackDown: Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Lashley, John Bradshaw Layfield, and Batista


Victors:SmackDown team

Considering this match in retrospect, one can only hope that Triple H builds the Survivor Series this year correctly. Thus far, The Game has done a good job of laying the foundation for brand battle during the exclusive live event on November 25.

In terms of brand warfare, this match between Raw and SmackDown may be the best to ever occur at a Survivor Series event. The two teams’ battle in the parking lot set up an exciting and chaotic atmosphere for the actual event.

This main event is among the greatest Survivor Series traditional tag team elimination bouts ever, at least in terms of in-ring storytelling. After all, you had one of the greatest moments in wrestling history produced by a prime Rey Mysterio and a prime Shawn Michaels.

From bell to bell, it was a straight clinic. Additionally, they no longer perform the post-match viewpoint that way.

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