September 27, 2024

To begin with, I’m sure you weren’t expecting me to write this post. Neither did I anticipate writing it. I just felt that Wednesday morning I had to.

I took this action because I get the impression that Moseley’s career is about to be abandoned. Although that may be the case, there seems to be more to this tale and the possibility of a redemption arc developing soon. One benefit you can obtain from this, if that’s the case, is that.
The other is that, prior to all of this, Moseley was a rather strong corner. ACL injuries no longer spell doom. He might come back and be that same guy, or at least someone who can offer assistance.

Throughout it all, he was an amazing teammate. Even with the injuries, Moseley stayed close to Detroit. He spent the year helping some of the younger men in the locker room and recovering around town. It is unquestionably a plus.

Regarding rehabilitation, there’s a chance Moseley will be prepared for camp. The injury happened to him in October. That means he will have roughly ten months to prepare for August. In the same length of time as his prior ACL injury, he was back to practicing.

They’re readily apparent. ACL damage is serious when it occurs twice in a row. That must have an impact on your mental health as well, not only to your knees. Perhaps it puts them in a situation where they are afraid to do some of the things they used to do because they think they might get wounded again.

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